Monday, November 29, 2010
Day 1742 - Cyber Monday is TODAY

Here is the uber-adorable Savi in her Thanksgiving outfit. Too cute!
I am going to work from home today as I continue to recover from my cold. I do think my fever has gone, which is a good thing.
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. I did, cold or not.
Today is Cyber Monday, but I don't know if I've ever intentionally bought things online on that day. If you need some online stuff, it might be a good time to get it if they offer free shipping.
TTFN and have a great Monday - there are twenty-six shopping days left till Christmas!
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Well, you caught a cold just in time to stay home and shop at your computer, that's suspicious...
Get better. Zinc and vitamin C. And protein (that's why chicken soup is good).
Get better. Zinc and vitamin C. And protein (that's why chicken soup is good).
I think this is my favorite photo of sunny Savannah-(other than the pink snowsuit photos) wish I had a print for my refrigerator--
Savi is so pretty! I'll add my name to wanting a copy of this photo.
Karen, get well quickly! Will it help to know that 2 chicken pies are all cooked and cooling on the counter to go into the freezer to eat at Early Christmas?!
Karen, get well quickly! Will it help to know that 2 chicken pies are all cooked and cooling on the counter to go into the freezer to eat at Early Christmas?!
I got my Christmas wish - Chicken Pie and Prime Rib! What could be better than that?
We should go to Trader Joes and get some spanakopita too?
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I got my Christmas wish - Chicken Pie and Prime Rib! What could be better than that?
We should go to Trader Joes and get some spanakopita too?
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