Thursday, December 11, 2008
Day 1026 - Miss Savannah Steps Out!

This photo shows Savannah contemplating something - probably what it would be like to let go and walk across the room.
By the way, I love the shadow effect on this picture - no, I didn't do it intentionally, it just came out that way.
If you didn't read the comments yesterday, little Miss Savannah (who just turned 9 months) took her first unassisted steps yesterday! Go, Savi, Go!
Congratulations, Savannah!
A world of possibilities now lie within your grasp! Millions of objects are beckoning to you, saying 'come over here and get me!'
Heather is probably thinking 'Oh NO! Baby proofing the HOUSE!'
Ah well - the fun has just begun!
TTFN and Congratulations again to Little Miss Savi-walker!
It's a super nasty icky day today. I'm off to Dad's and then to the registry (slacker on changing my name on my license). Fun fun fun.
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