Sunday, July 08, 2012


Day 2329 - Calling All Arachnids!

Greetings, Bloggy Spidee's-

I mean, Greetings, joint-legged invertebrate animals...

We have already seen the new 'Spiderman' movie, and it is good!  Action packed, not too much romantic fluff. 

Sally Field looked pretty miserable in parts - well, just for the ENTIRE movie...

I'd recommend seeing the 2D first, we thought the 3D camerawork was a bit difficult to follow  with those Gi-normous, Clark Kent 3D glasses on...

The good news about the 3D movie we attended?  (besides the popcorn)

They didn't have any PREVIEWS, because they only had 2D previews and just ONE 3D projector in that theatre!  Yay!  We were happy to miss half an hour of previews and commercials...

Go see it.  Go.  Now....

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