Sunday, May 20, 2012


Day 2280 - Let's Just Make Bigger Refrigerators to Help Us Get Thin!

Greetings, Bloggy Shoppers!

I can't believe it, but they have refrigerators nowadays with capacities of THIRTY-TWO CUBIC FEET. 

You couldn't POSSIBLY just buy and eat less so a smaller one would work for you.  I am sure THAT will be the answer to the battle of the bulge...

I can't believe it, but they have refrigerators nowadays with WI-FI enabled so you can use an APP on the refrigerator to leave a note or get a recipe. 

You couldn't POSSIBLY write a note and put it on the fridge using a MAGNET, that might look old fashioned and messy.

Excuse me - I need to go surf the web... on the refrigerator...

What will they think of next?

Enjoy your Sunday everyone. Gil and I are putting 50 American Flags on Veteran's graves this afternoon. This is Gil's project through the American Legion, and I'm just his helper!
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