Monday, May 14, 2012


Day 2274 - Monday, Monday....

Greetings, Monday Morning Blah-gers!

Can you believe it is the MIDDLE OF MAY already?  How did that happen? 

I think I'd better call Lost and Found, and see if they can locate the missing half of the month.

Speaking of Lost and Found...

A little boy at the pool was crying the other day.  I had to rescue a fallen object from the bottom of the pool for him before he would stop.  

I didn't have goggles on and had to feel around a bit for it.

It was a half-eaten lollipop that he was eating IN THE WATER...  YUM-O!!!

eww! haha!! Little stinker. A woman was at the pool doing her exercises a few weeks ago. She was a rather large woman, and she enjoyed rolling over and over again in the water. She could roll 4 or 5 times before she would come up for air, so all you would see was phantom feet. It freaked Savi out SO MUCH that the following week she said, "I HOPE we don't see those feet again!!" hahaha!
Heather -

Love that story! Your cards and BLING arrived today - thanks so much!

That is just a perfect choice for me. xxxooo
Cute stories. Poor kid lost his pop!
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