Thursday, March 22, 2012


Day 2221 - Hungering for the Hunger Games!

Greetings, Bloggy Gamers!

IF you didn't already know, it's almost time for the premiere of 'The Hunger Games'.

EVERY person I know who has read the books (there are 3 in the series) really enjoyed them. This includes yours truly, Charlie, and Heather, to name a few.

I also read a blurb online that said that people who did not read the books would also enjoy the movie - so don't worry if you don't know the storyline.

I predict that the Hunger Games will take the box office totals this weekend by a landslide. I can say that, because we are planning to go too!

So, tell me... Are you going to the movies this weekend?

We'll go to see it when it gets here!

You would like these mystery books I am reading right now by a Maine author, Julia Spencer-Fleming. Her first "In the Bleak Mid-Winter", and now "I Shall not Want". Monday was Brenda's birthday and I gave her "All Mortal Flesh".
I'm sure I'll want to see it but the story line sounds so awful!
I cannot wait to see it!!!! No idea yet how I'll manage to find a sitter, but I've GOT to see it. Sure to make me angry though since I liked the books a bit TOO!
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