Thursday, November 24, 2011


Day 2102 - Happy Thanksgiving!

Greetings, Bloggy Turkey Dayers!

Here is a Thanksgiving Day flashback to the 50's - my mother is the one in the middle holding my sister Marcia.

Isn't this a great picture? Just check out the clothing and the hairstyles and the eyeglasses. Retro lovers would feel right at home with this picture.

Of course, every woman had a dress on, not slacks. I'm kind of surprised that all the men didn't have ties on too.

I'm not quite sure what the greenery at one end of the table represents - was there a food on top of the 'garnish', or is that a salad of some kind? Dunno!

Well, I will be consuming vast quantities of calories today, and loving every gravy filled minute of it!

Again, I am thankful for family and friends, and thankful for Thanksgiving!

Great picture! We had a great day :) Wish I could have stayed longer. Happy Thanksgiving!
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