Sunday, September 04, 2011
Day 2021 - Lessons Learned From Power Outages

Greetings, Bloggy Darklings!
Areas in Maine (and across New England) lost power for a day (or more) during Hurricane Irene. I was on the coast of Maine at that time, at a retreat I go to every year.
The kitchen was semi-operational due to the gas ovens and stoves. The chef hung Christmas tree lights around the kitchen which he rigged up to run from his truck battery. We all got free ice cream the next day because it was melting. My mother called it 'soft serve', which was more a consistency than the kind of ice cream.
But guess what? The darkest place on the earth during a power outage is a BATHROOM, and you are not going to avoid needing one. Invention Opportunity - emergency potty lighting would really be useful.
They found a box of glowsticks left over from 4th of July and handed them out. We used 'halo' glowsticks as a substitute flashlight very successfully! My mother did have two small flashlights in her car, and those were great. Packing tip - flashlight with new batteries when we travel from now on.
Thankfully my cell phone was fully charged prior to the hurricane, and lasted through my period of power outage.