Friday, June 10, 2011
Day 1935 - Color Coordinated Nails, Pocketbook, and... Cattle?

It's Friday, Hooray! You know what to do, march in a circle chanting 'Fri-day! Fri-day! Fri-day!'
I pass a huge, beautiful farm with long, black wooden fencing like this each day while I am driving to work.
As I drive by, I always notice that the fence matches their Black Angus cattle.
Do you think that could possibly be intentional?
It is just so pretty to see the Black Angus cows and calves in the green grass, bordered by the black fence. It's the stuff that photos and postcards are made of.
I know that's a pretty silly thing to blog about, but I really do notice it often and have wanted to talk about it.
TTFN, have a great Friday and a great weekend!
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I think they did match the fence and the cattle. Farmers as decorators--who knew? Not a silly blog at all--I loved the photo and the descriptive image you portrayed.
I think they did it on purpose too! I would!!
I took Savi to the beach today! Our first real beach day. She had a great time. I made her into a mermaid on the beach by burying her legs in the sand and making a tail... she went into the water all the way up to her neck! (we were at Sand Hill Cove, so no waves) and she made a few friends that built sand stuff with us (an alligator, a fish and a person) It was a fun day! AND I got my car back all fixed up and happy again. Looks GREAT!!!!!!!!!
I took Savi to the beach today! Our first real beach day. She had a great time. I made her into a mermaid on the beach by burying her legs in the sand and making a tail... she went into the water all the way up to her neck! (we were at Sand Hill Cove, so no waves) and she made a few friends that built sand stuff with us (an alligator, a fish and a person) It was a fun day! AND I got my car back all fixed up and happy again. Looks GREAT!!!!!!!!!
We're back home tonight--hooray! We were supposed to fly home yesterday but flights cancelled due to severe thunderstorms in Chicago. An extra day with Dave and family was just fine with us!
This will be short as it's late and no one but Nancy will read it! In case you read it Heather, thank you so much for my birthday bracelet and earrings--beautiful, and Savi's picture was just adorable--such an artist! love the photos of her with bird and camel!
Karen, just as you said, I have found my "favorites" again! I thought they were lost in cyberspace!
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This will be short as it's late and no one but Nancy will read it! In case you read it Heather, thank you so much for my birthday bracelet and earrings--beautiful, and Savi's picture was just adorable--such an artist! love the photos of her with bird and camel!
Karen, just as you said, I have found my "favorites" again! I thought they were lost in cyberspace!
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