Friday, June 03, 2011
Day 1928 - I want a dragon too!!

It's Friday, Hooray!
You know what to do, march in a circle chanting 'Fri-day! Dra-gons! Fri-day! Dra-gons!'
It was 82 degrees at BEDTIME last night. Bloody hot if you ask me.
Speaking of heat, last night I watched 'How to Train Your Dragon' on HBO on-demand.
What a cute movie, even for grownups! For an animated movie it was interesting, touching, funny, and just plain good. There, you have my dragon endorsement. (or was that dragon breath?)
Did you change your calendars yet? I haven't! I might as well get used to be late, late, late for just about anything!
Have a wonderful Friday and a wonderful weekend.
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Savi and I LOVE that movie!! I just bought it recently after watching it a dozen times on netflix. I want a dragon!!!! I have another job interview wednesday with a cardiologist. My old OBGYN office manager actually recommended me to them and called me yesterday with their info so I could send my resume. Isn't that nice of her??? I quit on her, and she's helping to find me a new job. Crazy!! Not sure what's going on this weekend, but I'll find something fun, I'm sure!
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