Sunday, May 29, 2011
Day 1923 - Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, and Sunshine!

Here's our favorite girl, Savi, and I can't really tell just what the expression is on her face. Charlie would say that she's 'prissy'. Is that it?
Changing subjects to the holiday weekend... It is going to be in the 90's for the next several days (or more). That is summertime heat and it isn't summer yet.
The heat means that the cicada bugs are flying everywhere, and birds chase them. It's funny to watch!
Are you having any cookouts this weekend?
We had hot dogs and sauerkraut last night for supper, but nothing is as good as hot dogs and hamburgers cooked over a real, wood fire. ESPECIALLY RED HOT DOGS from Maine!
We might go to a movie today - I want to see 'Bridesmaids', and also the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie, and maybe Hangover II. One at a time, of course...
TTFN and have a great Sunday!
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It IS a prissy face...She's so fresh. She is FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY able to wear big girl undies all day long with no accidents. OMG I can finally ditch the pullups! I thought she'd never do it. (Though I caught her in her room last night trying to put a pull up ON so she could poop instead of using the potty...sneak.)
We were supposed to go to a lobster boil on the beach today but are too too broke, so we are spending the day with Page and the kids in Rehoboth instead. Still not sure what we will do tomorrow!! Maybe I'll take her to one of the free warwick mini-beaches!
We were supposed to go to a lobster boil on the beach today but are too too broke, so we are spending the day with Page and the kids in Rehoboth instead. Still not sure what we will do tomorrow!! Maybe I'll take her to one of the free warwick mini-beaches!
Congratulations on retiring the pullups! Those are so expensive!
Go Savi, Go!
(on the potty, I mean)
Ha! We're off to the movies soon, but if I could go to a free beach, I would!
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Go Savi, Go!
(on the potty, I mean)
Ha! We're off to the movies soon, but if I could go to a free beach, I would!
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