Friday, April 29, 2011
Day 1893 - It BEE Friday!

It's Friday, Hooray!
You know what to do, march in a circle chanting 'Fri-day! Fri-day! Fri-day!'
We are having a pot luck brunch this morning at work, and I am bringing sausage balls that I baked this morning EARLY.
But that's not what I planned to talk about today.
Charlie has had his hands full this spring with all his new bees...
The ARRIVAL of the bees was delayed several times due to the cold spring we had.
Since they arrived, there have been TWO (count 'em - TWO) bee swarms out in the 'bee lot' - we are not sure if they are the new bees, Charlie's current hives, or even NEW bees looking for a new location.
Anyway - Charlie has been getting good practice capturing the swarms. In a short period of time, Charlie has gone from tending TWO hives to tending SIX hives.
SIX hives? That's a lotta bees... TTFN and have a great weekend!
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Hi all! It's going to BEE a bEEautiful weekend here. looking forward to spending some time outside with Savi! Hope everyone has a great one!
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