Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Day 1884 - Midweek and Midlife
Here's a picture of Miss Savi at dance class, isn't that cute?
Speaking of cute - I saw a little boy step onto the pool stairs yesterday WITH ALL HIS CLOTHES ON!! Oops.
His mother immediately hauled him out and proceeded to 'smooth' the water off him with her hand. He looked so woeful about it I think he was going to cry.
Another cute kid thing from yesterday... When I got out of my car at the health club, a mother was unloading (or maybe loading) her brood into a minivan. She had a small child slung over her arm like I would carry my pocketbook. Ha!
Blogger has been giving me a time for the last week or two with too few (a.k.a. NONE) or too much white space.
It seems to be working correctly now, so I'll quit while I'm ahead. TTFN and don't forget - EASTER WEEKEND is fast approaching!
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So after another strange, semi-sleepless night, I'm home with Savi and we are heading to see the doctor. This is the STRANGEST illness ever. No fever, barely any coughing now, fine is fairly long stretches, but then she totally crashes into an inconsolable, sobbing mess. This is what I had last night. She woke up out of a dead sleep HYSTERICAL! Took about an hour to calm her. She still can't tell me what woke her. I'd guess a bad dream if she didn't do the same during the day too...ever since the cold started last thurs. So strange!
So Savi is just fine. Still recovering from being sick so she doesn't have her usual energy and gets over-tired easily...this is what's been causing the crying melt downs. So no worries! I feel better knowing I'm not overlooking a real problem!!
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