Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Day 1883 - Oops! I forgot!

I keep forgetting things, and it seems that everyone I know is forgetful as well.
Is it a new trend, or just that we are all getting OLDER?
Charlie and I tag team to remind each other to bring or recharge our cell phones, remember our lunch, take medication, etc. We go through these mini check lists every day!
Yesterday I forgot to remind everyone that it was the IRS tax deadline, not that anyone was depending on me to remind them.
My stops at the grocery store are better when I have a list, because I'll remember an item one minute, and forget it the next.
And speaking of the grocery store - on my last visit I expected to use up some store coupons that were about to expire. I sorted through them before entering the store, then I checked the date on my cell phone - the coupons had expired the previous day.
I think I've even forgotten to write the blog - but that happens very rarely!
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I'm alarmed when it takes me 2-3 minutes to remember somebody's name that I should remember! For example, last night Peggy, myself, and Brenda went to Mary Ann's for a Pampered Chef party and Martha, Sharon, and Aimee came together, and for a few minutes I could not remember Aimee's name to introduce her!
I called Heather this morning and was very happy to hear that Savi is better, and to hear Savi's little voice saying "Love you"!
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I called Heather this morning and was very happy to hear that Savi is better, and to hear Savi's little voice saying "Love you"!
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