Thursday, March 10, 2011
Day 1843 - Wishing, and Hoping, and Waiting

Do you believe that George R.R. Martin's 'A Dance with Dragons' is actually going to be released on July 12th of this year? Do I dare HOPE that this is the truth?
For SIX LONG YEARS I have waited for this book. That is longer than I have been writing the blog.
I really don't think I am a very patient person, and this wait has gotten on my last 'patient nerve'.
For SIX LONG YEARS I have wondered and worried about what would happen to my favorite characters, all the while cursing my least favorite characters.
For SIX LONG YEARS I have read and reread the first 4 books in the series. For SIX LONG YEARS I have bought extra copies to give to friends, and recommended the series to others.
PLEASE, George - release me from this pain and RELEASE THAT BOOK! As I remarked to the clerk in the airport bookstore on Monday 'If I don't find out what happens to Arya, I'm gonna die'.
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Hooray for your book!! Savi and I are hanging out in bed watching Land of the Lost and (hopefully) getting sleepy. Still trying to adjust to the new early mornings. Today was slighly better at work. I stayed away from the crazy doctor and worked with everyone else. Only had one interaction with her the whole day and that was when she barked at me to go help unpack some boxes which ended up being her own personal order...not work supplies. She looked like an idiot but (of course) apologized to no one, even though she had ordered all of us over the INTERCOM to do it...SO Unprofessional!!
We hope the book comes out on time and to your liking. We don't want you to die!
Heather, glad today at work was a little better!
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Heather, glad today at work was a little better!
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