Friday, February 25, 2011


Day 1830 - Daffodils are UP and zippers are DOWN!

Greetings, Bloggy Bloomers-

It's Friday, Hooray!

You know what to do - march in a circle chanting 'Fri-day! Fri-day! Fri-day!'

I have a few 'bloomer' stories to tell...

First - I know my New England family will be jealous to hear that the daffodils are blooming here - hooray!

That is one of my most favorite things about the South - how early the signs of spring appear.

Changing to a different bloomer story - there was a workman in our building yesterday replacing light fixtures. His zipper was down, and I just couldn't bring myself to tell him. I thought through a few different things to say, but I just couldn't do it.

Yet another bloomer memory - at my former job. A coworker (who I barely knew) was leaning on my cubile. He had a 'zipper down' issue, and I DID tell him about it. What was funny was his response... He said 'Wow! I sure am glad I wore underwear today!'

That's all the 'bloomage' I can recall... Have a great Friday and a great weekend!

Yes, I'm jealous--daffodils already! I think we'll have them in April. Funny story about the "zippers down"! See you one week from today, yay!
Nancy I have a laptop for the first time, and really like the portability, especially since I travel a lot. And it takes up less space.

I used to like my Imac desktop, a lot, though. The screen was bigger. That's the biggest difference, to me.

But I like my Macbook laptop a lot, now. Not a fan of PC's.
Peggy, thanks for making it clear that it's the daffodils making you jealous, not the zippers.
this photo was copied from my blog without my permission.

shame on you.
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