Sunday, February 20, 2011


Day 1825 - Happy Birthday, Heather!

Greetings, Bloggy Celebrants-

It's Heather's birthday today, hooray!

Happy Birthday to you...
Happy Birthday to you...
Happy Birthday, dear Hezzu,
Happy Birthday to you...

Here is one of my favorite pictures of Heather and Uncle Ray.

Heather was always annoyed at being born in the winter. She said 'I want a pool party, and you can't have a pool party in the winter!' Her birthday party was usually a roller skating party with pizza at the local roller rink.

So - what are the big birthday plans for today, Heather? Should I bring you a new pair of roller skates?

I'll be there in 2 more weeks to celebrate yours, Lyn's and Savi's birthday. I guess some people will also have Monday off for Presidents Day, but I don't. Hope you have a long weekend!

TTFN and have a great birthday!

Nice choice of pictures, it's nice to see Ray's smiling face! Happy Birthday, Heather!
Presidents day? I thought the day off was for my birthday!? Thanks all! Heading to the museum with Savi to play for my bday :)
Happy, Happy Birthday, Heather! What a beautiful child you were and a beautiful adult! Be there soon to see you and Savi! Yes, I love that picture, too!
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