Friday, January 07, 2011


Day 1781 - It's Friday, Hooray!

Greetings, Bloggy TGIFers,

It's Friday, Hooray! You know what to do - march in a circle chanting 'Fri-day! Fri-day! Fri-day!'

For me, the first week of the year flew by, how about yours?

I have a bunch of appointments coming up in January. They include two doctors, one dentist, one HVAC tuneup, one oil change, and one other... my hugely-important Chik-Fil-A Free Spicy Chicken Biscuit reservation.

Yes, it's true. I saw the ad for it on TV while we were watching football (the Chik-Fil-A Bowl of course).

I went to the designated website, reserved the date, time and location I wanted to pick it up from, and we printed my 'reservation confirmation' on the printer. I can't wait till Saturday (tomorrow), which is my 'Free Chicken Biscuit' day.

Why does something taste even better when it's FREE? Post a comment if you know the answer!

TTFN, have a great Friday and a great weekend!

That's pretty funny, Karen, your Chick-Fil-A-Free reservation. Such a formal word for an informal thing.
Having a reservation, they made sure they got my contact info.

I'll bet I will get emails for the rest of my life now from Chik-Fil-A.

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