Thursday, October 14, 2010


Day 1696 - Friday Eve...

Greetings, Bloggy Waitin' for the Weekenders!

Crack reporter, Charlie has contributed a story for the blog today.

Thank you, Charlie!

I saw a small, portable generator on sale the other day and thought it would be handy to use around the hunting camp. Even though it was powered by a small two-cycle engine (which can be an aggravation to keep running) I went ahead and ordered it.

The day it arrived, like any boy... with a new toy, I couldn't wait to give it a try. I attached the handle, used the owners manual to make sure I knew the various controls, and gave the starter rope a pull.

According to the manual, the engine should start in 3 pulls, 5 at the most. It didn't start in 3, 5, 1o, or however many times I tried. If I used starter fluid, it would run for a few seconds, then die. It was late in the day, so I decided to put the thing away and try again the next morning. As I thought overnight about what had happened, I came to the conclusion the engine was not getting gas.

First thing the next morning I removed the fuel line from the carburetor and checked for fuel flow. Nothing was coming through - not one drop.

This is a brand new engine and there is no fuel flow. What could be the problem? Hmmm....

After putting in some GAS, it started on the first pull.

Am I not a mechanical genius?

Charlie, great story, that is something I would do! You are very brave for a man, admitting you're not perfect at all things gas.
Now wouldn't you think the directions would have mentioned to put in gas. I have a funny story (not so funny to King)--when we were on our honeymoon (Karen's father and I back in l955), we were staying at a camp in Locke Mills, Maine, owned by a friend of mine, and when we went out in their boat powered by an outboard motor, King didn't realize he needed a mixture of gas and oil, so after awhile the motor stopped running, and King had to row all the way back to the camp, resulting in a bad sunburn (he was fair of complexion the way Karen is). We couldn't be "cozy" for a few days until his burn subsided! (TMI?)
Great story, Mom! Loved it! xxx
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