Friday, September 17, 2010


Day 1669 - What? Friday already?

Greetings, Bloggy TGIFers!

It's Friday, Hooray!

You know what to do - march in a circle chanting 'Fri-day! Fri-day! Fri-day!'

Here's Miss Savi - busy at work with her farm stickers. I purchased the sticker books at Cracker Barrel, by the way - they have great ones.

By the way - she has a very effective way of getting the stickers OFF the paper. She squashes the whole sheet of stickers till the edges pop up, then peels them off! Is that a brilliant girl, or what?

Well, I'll make this short - have a wonderful weekend everyone. Enjoy the last days of summer - just one more week till Autumn is here!

How adorable! I can't wait to send photos of my new grandson, who I wish would get here, already!
What an interesting picture of Savi with a very intelligent look on her face! Must be related to her Grammy GiGi!

Nancy, We're eagerly awaiting your news!

Yes, Happy weekend everyone. Tomorrow is our afternoon and eve at the Fair (Oxford County), and the 9th sulky race will be in honor of Ray. Peace in the valley, Ray!
Hello "youse guys", hope you have a good time at the fair! Sad memories of Ray, but happy memories of Ray, too!
Postscript: I don't think I ever thought of scrunching the stickers together. Did someone show her how to do that? Pretty smart if she figured it out herself.
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