Tuesday, September 07, 2010
Day 1659 - Back in Tennessee, and Back to Work!

Greetings, Twofer Tuesdayers -
It's back to work today for everyone who got yesterday off, and everyone (like me) returning from vacation.
Hey! I just realized it will be a short week this week. Hooray!
Here's a great picture of Savi taken by Auntie Cheryl. Savi and I were playing hide and seek at the beach, using my sarong as a parachute... (I guess that's a better word than 'tent')
I have over FOUR HUNDRED photos from my trip to sort through, discard, crop, remove red eye, etc.
I did get caught up on my laundry, but the photos are going to take a while.
TTFN and have a great Tuesday!
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Hey, nice picture. Boy, what fun, 400 pictures. I'm going back to N. today. Busy next few weeks, lots of weddings, and things starting up again; school, teaching, choirs. Living at a friends house will be different! Not into my own place till October 1. Glad for a change, though. I've had a good vacation, though our camping trip was cut short by the hurricane, (and our backs going out) and the fact that it was 90 every day!. Swimming was nice at the park, though; heavenly. I went to 2 concerts: Marcia Ball, and also a combined concert of Dr. John and the Blind Boys of Alabama. Marcia Ball was really great, if you ever get a chance to see her.
Hi all! I have a million pics to fix up too.
We have good news here. Mike heard back from that company he went to Florida to speak to. They are offering him a position! He will need to meet with them sometime this week or next to iron out details, but it will be his if he wants it. We are very excited! Now that this company is offering, the BIG company (the one that only hires people who have a biology degree) is taking notice and considering him as well... Interesting things are on the horizon!! =) YAY!!
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We have good news here. Mike heard back from that company he went to Florida to speak to. They are offering him a position! He will need to meet with them sometime this week or next to iron out details, but it will be his if he wants it. We are very excited! Now that this company is offering, the BIG company (the one that only hires people who have a biology degree) is taking notice and considering him as well... Interesting things are on the horizon!! =) YAY!!
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