Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Day 1610 - I've Looked at Clouds From Both Sides Now...

Greetings, Bloggy Cloud Watchers!

This Shark Cloud picture is too good to be true - it must have been doctored. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

However, I saw a great cloud animal last night on the way home. It looked just like a rabbit, with a giant hand patting it on the head. It really did!

But did I stop on the highway and try to take a picture of it with my phone? Nosirree.

Changing subjects -

Celebration! I get an extra week to do my homework, class is cancelled this Wednesday for a company wide thing they are having.

I was over halfway done, but now I can take my time with the rest over the next week. Reprieve!

TTFN and have a great Tuesday!

You're just recovering from your treatment, still. Your memory will come back after a few months. That's the way Mom was, too.
Marcia, you are being generous to say my memory has come back--not really, lots of "word search"!

Nice cloud pictures, the shark and we can well imagine the rabbit!

Steve called last night to say they are there visiting with Will, Kako and family. Lyn is still sore but doing pretty well.
I didn't have any treatment so what's my excuse? Work stress contributes though, which is probably the reason for most of Karen's forgetfulness.

Hi, Lyn! Glad you're better. I so wish I could see Will and famiy!
Ok, what did I miss? What happened to Lyn?
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