Thursday, July 15, 2010


Day 1605 - Oh, Superman!

Greetings, Bloggy Water Dogs -

What a great comic book - Superman as a lifeguard! It is PERFECT for the true story I am going to tell.

We all know that lifeguards are usually young, fit, and cute, except for David Hasselhoff...

The young girls giggle and hang around the male lifeguards, trying to get their attention, OR they are mortified and embarrassed in their bathing suits, and want to be anywhere ELSE.

Well, one of the cutie pie male lifeguards was working at the pool the other day.

I overheard the following conversation (this is as close as I can get to the actual verbiage) in the locker room when I was in the shower.

'Oooooo! I didn't know SUPERMAN was working here today! Oooooo! He's so hot! He looks really strong. I guess lifeguards have to be really fit because otherwise they couldn't save anybody, could they? Where are all the GIRL lifeguards? Why weren't they working today? I look terrible! EEEEEk! He had to see me working out with all those people who are twice my age! I wonder how old he is... Oooooo! How much is a membership here anyway? Ooooo!'

Nuff said. That was the short form. Thank goodness the showers were going to wash away all the drooling.


Karen, the statement "He had to see me working out with all those people who are twice my age!" warrants a boot from the pool! She should be happy as she presumably looks better than those old folks. Total airhead. How old was she do you know?
Karen, were you one of the people twice her age? Funny!

Hi Nancy, hi Heather, hi bloggers- all!
Hi all. Scary day. Mike's Aunt had a massive stroke and is in the hospital on a respirator. Mike just went to pick up his father to bring him to the hospital to see her. No one knows when it happened. Could have been last night! It was too hot in the bedroom so her husband slept in the living room and then went right to work. He never opened the bedroom door until about an hour ago. How awful. =(
So both Jen and Savi are sick. Jen is throwing up like Savi was Monday, and Savi is slowly getting better. I'm feeling a bit off...hopefully not the bug!!!
Heather, I am so sorry to hear this. Please give my best wishes to the family.
Heather - what a tragic story! Please let us know if there is anything we can do, and we are very sorry to hear that. xxxx
Oh - and Nancy - the girl who was complaining about us old folks was late teens or early 20's - college aged.
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