Wednesday, July 07, 2010


Day 1597 - Lessons from Little Big Man

Greetings, Bloggy Movie Watchers -

One of my favorite movies of all time is Dustin Hoffmans 'Little Big Man' from 1970.

Yeah, I know - 1970. That may be a long time ago, but not too long to remember things that have become part of you!

If you like westerns even a little bit, you really ought to watch it sometime. It has everything in buckets - lots of humor, and tragedy, and love, and life lessons, everything.

Yesterday I was feeling happy about getting my class homework done on time and getting a compliment on my solution. I thought 'My heart soars like a hawk'. That is what Little Big Man's grandfather used to say, and he was a wonderful character in the movie.

Hey - that one phrase has stuck to me, and it's part of me now.

Think of all the bits and pieces that have become a part of you, and where THEY came from.

TTFN and have a nice Wednesday! Midweek and Midlife!

Dave and family left this morning and the empty nest syndrome has set in along with a little housework, washing sheets and towels, etc! We're missing them also Heather, Evan and Savi. Gee Whiz, what can you do? Coming back from the Portland jetport, we stopped at the farm stand in Gray and bought local peas, blueberries, raspberries, and summer squash. What a nice supper we'll have!

I'm looking forward to you calling tonight. Congratulations on your solution to your class assignment!

I want to see if I can get "Little Big Man" from the library. Sometimes that's the only place to find these oldies but goodies.

Aunt Nancy is returning today to SF. We've enjoyed seeing and talking with her. Hope you had a safe flight, Nancy! See you in August!
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