Sunday, May 30, 2010


Day 1559 - Back from the Beach!

Greetings, Bloggy Beachcombers!

No, no photo today because I am blogging late. I just printed my boarding pass for my flight back home tomorrow. (boo hoo!)

We've already been to Scarborough Beach in Rhode Island, leaving the house at 9:15 this morning. We made it to the beach without bad traffic, then hit slow traffic when we got to the beach itself because people were buying season passes. We saw a lot of traffic on the way home heading toward the beaches.

We stayed and played for a couple of hours till I got hot, then packed up and went out to 'Moo Moos' for ice cream, then returned back home to my sister and brother in laws fpr a late lunch.

It is a hot day for this time of year in New England - feels like 80's at least.

Savannah ran and ran and ran at the beach - she had a great time.

We had Saugy hot dogs, red hot dogs from Maine and chips for lunch.

Brother in law Steve is grilling steaks later for supper.

Auntie Cheryl should be over soon!

Have a nice Sunday and TTFN!

GREAT time at the beach!! Can't wait to download the pics tonight! What a fun weekend so far =)
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