Sunday, May 09, 2010


Day 1538 - Happy Mothers Day!

Mothers Day Greetings to all Mothers, Stepmothers, Grandmothers, Great-Grandmothers, and Surrogate Mothers!

Oh - that includes me, doesn't it?

Here's a few 'Mom' memories. Thank you, Mom - you're the greatest!

Mom used to hang the sheets outside in the sun to dry, and make the bed with the fresh sheets right when we went to bed. No fabric softener can compete with the wonderful smell of those sheets.

Mom makes the best homemade bread EVER. Mom makes the best stuffing EVER. Mom makes the best chicken pie EVER.

No, I just can't include tuna casserole or macaroni and tomato, our household staples.

If we were horribly rotten, mean and ugly children, Mom would say 'Go outside and kick a tree'. I don't think we ever did - we just beat up on each other instead.

Thank you, Mom, for allowing us to grow up without sending us to boarding school.

Changing subjects...

Charlie and I might go see 'Iron Man II' this afternoon, and we might go for a walk, and we might go out to eat. Sounds like a plan, eh?

Happy Mothers Day!

Thank you, Karen, for those nice memories, and Happy Mother's Day to you too! No, you were never horrible and rotten children ever. Just overly rambunctious and aggravating once and awhile!

What are we doing up this early, tell me that? This morning we're going for breakfast with Brenda, Rusty and Sunny then maybe take a little ride to look at the mountains. Have fun at the movies.

Happy Mother's Day to all you bloggers out there! And especially to Marcia, Karen, Lyn, Stephanie, Heather, Kako, and Samantha, Mary Ann and Nancy.
Happy Mother's Day!!!! Hope all the Mom's have a great day! I have no plans yet but will definitely find something to do with my little chickadee!! (and probably the BIG chickadee too!!)
Thank you, Mom, for my card. I'm re-signing up for the zoo today!! xoxoxoxox
Thanks, Mom! Thanks, Heather!

We just had a delicious breakfast of farm fresh eggs (the blue ones), sliced tomato, and turkey sausage on a biscuit.

It was 43 degrees this morning! Brrr!

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