Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Day 1520 - Bear Story or Hair Story

Greetings, Bloggy Midweekers!

I have a couple of stories to tell - do you want to hear about BEAR, or HAIR?

Since I've posted a cute photo of Savi's beautiful locks, I'll start with the HAIR story.

If you know me, you know that I have been 'hair challenged' for several months.

Well, I have started to grow hair again, and what do I have to say about that happy event?

I found a &^%$ CHIN HAIR yesterday. Gross!

Just when I should be all happy about hair of any kind, I take it back! Couldn't my follicles be a bit more selective??? Blech.

Onward to the BEAR story...

Charlie heard a story from our next door neighbor, who heard a story from the cable man, who heard a story from another customer that there was a BEAR sighted about a mile from here! EEEEEeeeeeek!

The cable man had asked if the horses next door were exhibiting any skittish behavior and running. Evidently where the bear appeared, the horses were going crazy, and someone went to investigate and spotted a bear.

I hope that's not true, actually, but I'll certainly keep an eye out.

If I see one - I'll scare him off by flashing my HAIR at him.

Be careful, and have a nice Midweek!

Love those hair and bear stories, but best of all little Savi's beautiful locks! Don't despair Karen, where there's one hair there will be more, and on top of your head!

Aunt Mary Ann and Uncle Doug are coming for supper--an old stand-by: lasagna, tossed salad, garlic bread, and for dessert custard pie.

It's a nice day so Gil is outside working. So he's a happy camper.
I'm sorry you're growing a beard, Mom. (runs away but I am also very jealous of your bear!!! We don't have any here. =(

Getting closer to the weekend! This has been an extra long week...can't wait for Saturday.
I could grow a goatee if I wanted to.

Don't tell anybody.
Karen, isn't that just the way life works, when you want hair on your head, it grows on your chin! Another feature of aging. Several people have gleefully pointed out various hairs on my chin or under my chin.

Have I said recently that Savi is cute, cute, cute?? I had beautiful curly locks at her age, right Peggy?
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