Thursday, March 25, 2010


Day 1493 - Is it Friday Eve?

Greetings, Bloggy Waitin' for the Weekenders!

Is it Friday yet? No, but it feels like it!

Here is a picture of my son, recuperating from a birthday party food coma. Looks comfy, eh?

Or - another way to put it is just plain crashing out. You can choose your version.

Yesterday was a BEAUTIFUL weather day - mostly sunny, low 70's. No jacket or sweatshirt required.

People go crazy here as soon as a warm sun comes out. I saw lots of people in shorts and t-shirts, and it wasn't really warm till the afternoon - the day started out in the middle 30's!

Today I'm having lunch out in Nashville, then I have a doctors appointment in Columbia, then need to go back to Franklin for another doctors appointment. I'd better get some gas. We're also supposed to have thunderstorms today and high winds.

TTFN and drive carefully!


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See if I CARE.

(crickets chirping)
I hope Evan reads the blog--what a picture! Such a busy day, Karen, you must be exhausted! More work than working! Take care of yourself-we love you!
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