Thursday, February 25, 2010


Day 1465 - Ice, Ice, Baby...

Greetings, Bloggy Icicle Fans!

You know - Icicle is a weird looking word, isn't it?

We saw SO many beautiful icicles when we were in the mountains. They were everywhere, and all different sizes and shapes.

Icicles are beautiful, but dangerous too!

That reminds me of a trip Charlie and I took to Pickett State Park in Tennessee some years ago (that's because we can't remember how many years it has been).

We went hiking to a cave that had huge, overhanging icicles at the entrance. While we were inside the cave, one FELL, and burst with a sound like a cannon going off. It was quite scary!

If a hiker had been where that huge icicle fell, they would have been injured and possibly killed.

So - the moral of the story is - do NOT take photos of icicles while standing UNDER them, be sure you aren't in the 'falling ice zone'.

TTFN and have a nice Thursday!

You have some nice ice photos! Yes, a word to the wise--do not stand under a large icicle for any reason! Gil has signs at the Legion Hall "Caution, falling ice"--but no signs in the underground cave you visited.

Mostly rain today, some snow flakes, some sleet.
Very cool pic Mamma!
CAN'T believe you will be here in a week! YAY YAY! Can't believe my baby will be TWO in a week! Looking forward to seeing excited =)
I won't be at Savi's BDay but hope to get photos! I was thinking the other day that she was going to be 3, she's such a smart girl!

Karen, you love "ice, ice baby" you should have bought the White Hot tshirt on the cruise.

Peggy, are the Legion Hall ice warnings for ice in drinks?
Very funny, Nancy!
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