Friday, February 19, 2010


Day 1459 - Friday and Birthday Eve!

Greetings, Bloggy TGIFers!

That's RIGHT - it's FRIDAY, and for some people, Friday of a short week!

You know what to do - march in a circle chanting 'Fri-day! Fri-day! Fri-day!'

I forgot to remind everyone of Survivor last night. Did you watch it?

We usually aren't crazy about the 'star' ones they do. I would rather see new contestants rather than ones I already may know and hate. That said, we are enjoying it so far this year.

Have you seen the previews for the new 'Robin Hood' movie coming out, starring Russell Crowe? It looks very DARK for a Robin Hood movie.

Hey - not much time for Bloggage, so I'll just say 'Have a great Friday, Have a great weekend, and Tune in Tomorrow for Heather's Birthday!'

Happy Birthday Eve, Heather! We love you so much!
Thank You!!!!!!!!!!
I deleted a comment here - a duplicate of this was posted a couple of days ago, so unless someone tells me otherwise, I'll assume it is spammage...
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