Sunday, February 07, 2010
Day 1447 - Superbowl Sunday!

It's Super Sunday! Who do you want to win?
I like Peyton Manning, so if the Colts win, I am OK with that. I also like to root for a team who has never been in a Superbowl, so if the Saints win, I am OK with that.
That means I am going to enjoy the game, no matter what.
The grocery stores were JAMMED yesterday, it seemed like Christmastime.
I was wise cracking at the register because I had to take out and show my drivers license to buy Charlie some beer.
I remarked 'moths flew up when I took that out', and they thought that was hysterically funny. The grocery bagger said 'She's funny - can we keep her?'
My grocery bagger then got so enthusiastic about taking my grocery cart out to my car, that he swung it around and bopped his BOSS with it. Oops.
I soothed him by saying 'You were helping a customer, your boss took one for the team'.
We're going to TY and SY's to watch the game - thanks in advance for inviting us!
TTFN and have a great Superbowl Sunday, whether you watch or not!
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Funny stories Karen as always--you are a kick! By the way will we meet Ty and Sy (and buddy Joe) when we come to Nashville?
Yesterday I was thinking about Ray and the Super Bowl, one of his favorite events. I hope someone there will replicate some Rayisms.
I think about Ray almost every day--Ray & Mary Ann's home has been my "family home" for 37 years and Ray was just as much a brother to me as my actual brothers, and also my buddy. The loss of Ray has widened the hole in my heart already there from other losses.
Well back to the topic at hand, I prefer the Saints but ok with either one. I'm sure Charlie is rooting for UT alum Peyton Manning.
No Super Bowl for me though--working today as usual for Sunday, but a necessity today, as our real estate group is moving to another law firm next weekend so lots of organization/packing of files and personal stuff along with work for clients.
I may go across the street to the gym at half time and watch half-time show and second half from the elliptical machine.
Yesterday I was thinking about Ray and the Super Bowl, one of his favorite events. I hope someone there will replicate some Rayisms.
I think about Ray almost every day--Ray & Mary Ann's home has been my "family home" for 37 years and Ray was just as much a brother to me as my actual brothers, and also my buddy. The loss of Ray has widened the hole in my heart already there from other losses.
Well back to the topic at hand, I prefer the Saints but ok with either one. I'm sure Charlie is rooting for UT alum Peyton Manning.
No Super Bowl for me though--working today as usual for Sunday, but a necessity today, as our real estate group is moving to another law firm next weekend so lots of organization/packing of files and personal stuff along with work for clients.
I may go across the street to the gym at half time and watch half-time show and second half from the elliptical machine.
Hi Nancy - Sounds like you'll have a busy day today!
When you miss Ray, talk to him - I'll bet you'll feel better.
Charlie is the king of thinking out loud. Just the other day I said 'Are you talking to yourself?' and he answered 'Just running a few things by myself'.
When you miss Ray, talk to him - I'll bet you'll feel better.
Charlie is the king of thinking out loud. Just the other day I said 'Are you talking to yourself?' and he answered 'Just running a few things by myself'.
Hi All, Happy Superbowl Sunday--may the best team win. Like you, Karen, I'm OK either way. I guess I'm a little more for the underdog Saints. My teriyaki chicken wings are baking as we speak (write, rather!)--I don't think I have made them since coming to Maine. Nancy, I'll have to give you a call to see if you have any idea how Ray ran that pool. I'm hoping Jay will know. Memories of Ray are refreshed all the time by just living here. I think it helps the grieving process, vs being far away as you are.
Well here's to good food and a good game. Is that the right order? Karen, I can't believe you were carded--great response!
Yesterday Mary Ann and Martha and Roger, Gil and I were at the WP Library dedication of their new expansion along with about 400 people! Rodney A. remarked you could only get that many townspeople out if the town were burning! A beautiful facility! Mary Ann gave a little speach about as kids growing up, the library books made it possible to travel, enjoy adventure, read while listening to the rain on the steel roof, etc.--very nice!
Well here's to good food and a good game. Is that the right order? Karen, I can't believe you were carded--great response!
Yesterday Mary Ann and Martha and Roger, Gil and I were at the WP Library dedication of their new expansion along with about 400 people! Rodney A. remarked you could only get that many townspeople out if the town were burning! A beautiful facility! Mary Ann gave a little speach about as kids growing up, the library books made it possible to travel, enjoy adventure, read while listening to the rain on the steel roof, etc.--very nice!
I hope you all have good parties. Sunday is a work day for me, and I had church and then and I've been filing and collating and planning, and I'm hungry and tired. If I even listen to the game on the radio, that's as much as I'll get (no TV here). I'm happier to watch movies today, though it's always fun to see other people enjoying sports. Yesterday I accompanied a chorus of 100 high school kids, in an auditorium full of people. It'll just be our little secret where that was, exactly, right Mom? Oh, what the hell, it was Carnegie Hall, of course.
The local PBS Tennessee travel show had a spot on Papa Boudreaux's - on Youtube at
Hi all! Watching some of the Superbowl...mostly for the commercials. lol!! Though Mike is cheering for Manning. =)
So we gave away our beautiful Bull Mastiff today, and an hour later the losers brought him back. We were very honest about him, his lack of discipline and need for training. They said they could handle it...obviously they couldn't. We have new people coming tomorrow. It's so stressful. And four of Skully's eleven puppies have died. Every one of them in my hands while I tried to save them. THAT was extra stressful. So no more puppies, soon we will be down to ONE dog...and that is that. I'm too busy to handle all these pups! =(
So we gave away our beautiful Bull Mastiff today, and an hour later the losers brought him back. We were very honest about him, his lack of discipline and need for training. They said they could handle it...obviously they couldn't. We have new people coming tomorrow. It's so stressful. And four of Skully's eleven puppies have died. Every one of them in my hands while I tried to save them. THAT was extra stressful. So no more puppies, soon we will be down to ONE dog...and that is that. I'm too busy to handle all these pups! =(
Heather just read your note--so sad about the puppies and the big dog.
Peggy, that's great about the library. I wonder if Mary Ann told them that while reading library books she was also reading "True Confessions" that she hid under her bed--
I read every book in the library before the end of 8th grade (a small library, no tv, boredom)--of course I didn't understand a lot of what I read, like Dostoyevsky for example but read them again later.
Which reminds me, since J.D. Salinger just died I read the Catcher in the Rye (not in WP library that's for sure--not till college) for the upteenth time and I still love it.
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Peggy, that's great about the library. I wonder if Mary Ann told them that while reading library books she was also reading "True Confessions" that she hid under her bed--
I read every book in the library before the end of 8th grade (a small library, no tv, boredom)--of course I didn't understand a lot of what I read, like Dostoyevsky for example but read them again later.
Which reminds me, since J.D. Salinger just died I read the Catcher in the Rye (not in WP library that's for sure--not till college) for the upteenth time and I still love it.
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