Tuesday, February 02, 2010
Day 1442 - Hack and Slash - the Federal Deficit

Greetings, Bloggy Spenders and Savers!
You know, it isn't even Sunday but I am going to step up on my soap box and preach for a minute...
I am sure that someone else has had the same idea, but if I am the first, then all the politicians should give me credit, and make it happen.
I had this idea while doing my taxes (You may just be thinking about doing your taxes at this point).
Right on the tax forms there are boxes to donate to the Presidential Election Campaign fund.
I think 'The Gov' should dedicate some IRS form real estate and add one of those boxes for an elective amount (with a default amount like $3) to help pay down the federal deficit.
I know that for ONE person, that's not going to make much of a dent. However, if LOTS of us taxpayers did it, and there are millions of us, it would make a huge difference.
With all the dollars we put into buckets for the Salvation Army, or Goodwill, or any of the many of charities we donate to, would you allocate a few dollars to help get our country out of the red?
I'd do it. Feel free to pass on my idea, yes, I know you can argue that the SPENDERS get us into these messes, and the public shouldn't be the ones to fix it, but you know what?
I think we're ALL entitled to help fix a problem, and that's my idea.
Thank you very much, says Elvis...
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Karen, That's a great idea to donate through our tax forms to draw down the Federal Deficit. Our State Rep has suggested something similar here in Maine to bring in money for programs for the elderly and the poor that are being cut. Some people say "Oh, nobody will do that", but many will. If you contact one of your Senators, maybe he could say it's his idea and get the ball rolling for 2010 tax season! Glad to hear your CRV is getting through your snowy/icy roads!
Karen, a great idea and I would check the box. The power of small donations has been shown clearly by the $10 phone donations for Haiti. Also, moveon.org gained it's power through small donations. And small amounts are painless to individuals. $3.00 is only a latte or a meal at McDonald's.
Mamma, I'm voting for YOU for President! That is a great Idea and am very surprised that there isn't one of those boxes on there already!! Smartypants! =)
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