Sunday, December 06, 2009


Day 1386 - Sunday!

Greetings, Blogregation!

I received my first Christmas card yesterday, and haven't even written ONE. Oops.

As seen on a church sign:

'All WE want for Christmas is your presence!'

I think that's a nice message.

Get well soon, Savannah! Nothing like colds this time of year, I've had sniffles for 2 weeks now, but they aren't really bothering me.

I love her expression in this picture, she looks like she's ready to start boxing with my big fuzzy socks on her hands. Too cute!

Have a nice rest of the weekend, everyone! I need to get the lights on the tree SOON!

christmas cards already? sheesh! I never send any and I probably should...maybe this year? maybe...
Savi is still really sick. Fever, cough, runny nose, won't eat a thing but will nurse and drink her juice. I think I'm taking tomorrow off to stay home with her? We will see what the night brings!
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