Monday, October 26, 2009


Day 1345 - Twas the Monday before Halloween

Greetings, Monday morning Blah-gers!

Yes, it's Monday for sure...

Heather - thanks for the new pictures, and get well! Sounds like you have the flu - you might want to go get tested...

I LOVE this pumpkin, no it isn't mine but I did buy one yesterday. Charlie had to lift it, it weighs about 15 pounds or more...

I have another dream to tell, I forgot about it till this morning, but it is too cool to pass up.

I was part of a group bringing various products from the sea to market. We were in a convoy with a fishing boat up front, which contained traditional fish, and our group was behind it.

Our group consisted of 3 supernatural beings (including me). Our harvest was two things - a vast bed of seaweed, and a live, wriggling mass of giant sea worms.

The oldest member in our group controlled the movement of our harvest to market by singing to it, directing the speed and location of the masses of seaweed and writhing worms.

I was trying to propel a small dingy, which I promptly sank, but for some reason we didn't need a conveyance to move along with our 'catch'.

Pretty cool dream, eh???

So - what does it mean?

That is the COOLEST Pumpkin EVER! Love it!!! I'm off to the doctor today at noon to see what the hell has gotten me...flu, SWINE flu? Whatever it is,it doesn't want to go away. Yuck. Savi is with Grandma so I'm gonna go take a nap till dr. time.

Very interesting dream, by the way...
Heather, Glad you are seeing your doctor today and hope she/he can help you get better soon!

Karen, have to think about that dream. Goodness sakes!
Back from the doc. I have a 'voicebox virus.' WTH is THAT????? Leave it to me to find something even FREAKIER than swine flu!!! Out another day...
In Music City that would be known as a sore goozle. :-)
I've heard that seaweed and worms will cure just about any ailment... xxxx-oooo!
YUM-O! Gonna git me summa those!
Heather, Well that is quite a diagnosis. I always just called it laryngitis. Glad you will be out another day, and that it's not any type of flu!
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