Saturday, October 10, 2009


Day 1329 - A click and a promise

Greetings, Bloggy Weekenders!

I am too lazy to blog today - stayed in bed until 8am, doing a wash, and reading.

Have a nice Saturday and my mother arrives this evening!


Yay! Grammy was already here to visit and deliver my beautiful new car! Thank you Grammy, Gil AND MAMMA! Savi is sleeping, Jen is sleeping, I WAS sleeping and now it's time to feed the pups and hang out till hubby gets home from Virginia. Might even be able to do something as a FAMILY Monday...yay for long weekends! =)
I'm just about to go to bed, but finally loaded some pics from my halloween decorating on Flickr. No new pics of Savi though! I'm so lazy lately!!! I'll load some soon. Hopefully some cute ones from tomorrow at the PUMPKIN PATCH!
Soooooooo, here it is 2am and Savi and I are up again. She has a really bad diaper rash that is itchy. I loaded her up with cortizone before bed, but she woke up about an hour ago wiggling and twisting like crazy. She was still trying to fall back asleep but couldn't after an hour, so I decided to get her up and put on new cortizone. I also gave her a benadryl tablet, so that should help the itch AND help her sleep. In the meantime, she and I devoured half a spinach pie that I made tonight for supper and we are getting ready to put in a wiggles dvd. Ahhhhhhhh, long night ahead. =)
Heather - Just a thought...

Maybe it isn't a regular diaper rash - if it has a very clear line/boundry it might be a fungal infection and need different medicine. Evan used to get those. Might want to take her to a 'minute clinic' or something to have it checked?
Ya, I've been alternating between a fungal med and cortizone. It's definitely NOT a regular diaper rash. Poor thing! It looks a little better today though. Also started putting powder on called 'MONKEY BUTT'. HILARIOUS!
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