Thursday, October 01, 2009


Day 1320 - Mack the Knife? Eeeeew!

Greetings, Bloggy Hospital-goers!

Happy October! Are you watching the MOON? It is awesome.

Yeah, yeah, I know - 'Mack the Knife' is really a poor choice of songs to accompany a surgical procedure or two...

But it made me smile, and it's MY blog, so I can if I want to...

See - it made Savi smile too, and that's even more important.

To capture a nice smile like that on film (or disc) is a grandmothers DREAM, I tell you.

And since I'll be in 'la-la-land' today, I probably won't be dreaming at all - just in some other vacant state of being. I have to be at the hospital at 5:30, and my surgery is at 8am SHARP (another Mack reference).

Chat among yourselves using the comments, and Charlie will post something when we return from the hospital.

TTFN and have a nice day! Go stop at a hospital and try out their excellent, low cost FOOD.

Love you love you love you love you love you love you!!!!!
That says it all--we love you, love you, love you, Karen! God be with you this morning and give your surgeon extra skill today, and you extra courage!
Karen-and keep cracking jokes because that helps too.
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