Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Day 1164 - Happy Birthday, Marcia!

Have a great Birthday!
I should have a picture of Marcia up on the blog, but I am running too late this morning!
I am running late after answering a question in email from someone at work regarding the donkey. That takes priority over the blog.
I'll just show you the HAUL that Charlie and TY made yesterday fishing for bream (which is pronounced 'Brim'), and you can all comment about that.
BTW - the donkey brayed again overnight, but not as loud and not as often. Thank heavens...
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Holy FISH! Wow! What does a Bream taste like?
Savi is going to Janet's today for a bit so I can get some yardwork done. Then I'm taking Jen to get her nails and toes done for prom. Oh boy!!
Savi is going to Janet's today for a bit so I can get some yardwork done. Then I'm taking Jen to get her nails and toes done for prom. Oh boy!!
I hope Marcia likes her birthday recognition marked by Bream. Tis a fine kettle of fish. Happy Birthday~
Heather, we ATE dandelion greens at home on a regular basis (cooked of course). I hated them, they are very bitter.
My big move is tomorrow. I'm already exhausted, days and hours of sorting stuff to throw away, give to Goodwill or take, and packing. My friend Marian has done most of the packing and TAPING, the worst part for a klutz like me. My new apartment is freshly painted, new carpet, all new kitchen appliances, cabinets, floor; new double paned windows, etc. -(last tenant was there 40 years). So I had to dust & clean stuff before packing to make sure I don't bring dust and dirt from my apartment to my new one. Now that everything is out, it is obvious that some corners of closets etc have never been cleaned since I moved in,11/79. I've had the place cleaned many times but never a full pull everything out cleaning. Fortunately I don't have to clean as the owner is completely renovating the building so will have to tear everything out anyway. The owner is also taking out my 20 huge bags of trash and recycling and a few pieces of furniture. I'll blog later in the week.
Heather, we ATE dandelion greens at home on a regular basis (cooked of course). I hated them, they are very bitter.
My big move is tomorrow. I'm already exhausted, days and hours of sorting stuff to throw away, give to Goodwill or take, and packing. My friend Marian has done most of the packing and TAPING, the worst part for a klutz like me. My new apartment is freshly painted, new carpet, all new kitchen appliances, cabinets, floor; new double paned windows, etc. -(last tenant was there 40 years). So I had to dust & clean stuff before packing to make sure I don't bring dust and dirt from my apartment to my new one. Now that everything is out, it is obvious that some corners of closets etc have never been cleaned since I moved in,11/79. I've had the place cleaned many times but never a full pull everything out cleaning. Fortunately I don't have to clean as the owner is completely renovating the building so will have to tear everything out anyway. The owner is also taking out my 20 huge bags of trash and recycling and a few pieces of furniture. I'll blog later in the week.
Yes, Happy Birthday, Marcia--already conveyed to you by song bird! Hope you and Kelly had a nice day together, and that you have a wonderful year for the wonderful daughter/sister/aunt/wife/cousin that you are! 2nd, Gil and I returned home last night after our whirlwind trip to our family in TN, AL, Fl, and NC with so much happiness enjoyed by all! And that's quite a mess of fish Charlie and his friend caught! And last but not least, Nancy, good luck in your new apt. and I hope you'll be able to fly back East as often as before! Karen, tomorrow, a picture of Savi, PLEASE!
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