Friday, April 24, 2009
Day 1160 - Friday already?

Here's a sweet picture of Miss Savi that I haven't posted yet. She's a little lamb with a little lamb!
It's FRIDAY, folks!
You know what to do - march in a circle chanting 'Fri-day! Fri-day! Fri-day!'
One more time! March in a circle chanting 'Fri-day! Fri-day! Fri-day!'
I just realized that most of my sentences so far end with an exclamation point. Uh... I guess that means I'm happy it's Friday! (exclamation point added for emphasis)
I looked out the window this morning, trying to see Old Don Q (the donkey) in his favorite spot next to the barn wall. I noticed one of the neighbors horses doing exactly the same thing - hanging his head over the fence and staring at the barn.
We noticed yesterday that Old Don Q acts a lot like a hound dog - he turns around counter-clockwise once or twice each time he wants to lie down, and then goes to sleep. We don't have any idea how old he is, but he certainly isn't 'frisky' like the young horses next door.
I wonder if he'd like that 'Ba-donk-a-donk' Trace Adkins song??
Have a wonderful Friday and a great weekend! TTFN!
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Karen, if you and Charlie can think of him as a hound dog, maybe you'll keep him. He can be your rescue dog. Just thinking of all those lovable farm animals we had growing up.
Been on the Cape this week, back on the island tomorrow morning. Had an unsuccessful haircut and kept going back to fix it and now I have sort of a shag haircut, not exactly sure what it is (no name for what I have!). At least I keep trying. Can't really use the styling gel products for fullness on my hair (though I tried it today)- it winds up making me break out or something. So I'll just have to live with it till it gets longer. It's tough to look great, never been too good at it except when I was willing to pay a whole lot of money for a haircut. Might have to go back to that again...
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