Friday, April 03, 2009
Day 1139 - Catch up on Friday?
I can't believe it is Friday already, but since it is...
You know what to do, march in a circle chanting 'Fri-day! Fri-day! Fri-day!'
Heather, this 'old fashioned' photo of Savannah is very artsy looking!
I like it, of course!
Tennessee, Alabama, and some other places had strong storms yesterday and some tornadoes. Thankfully the worst they had around here was flooding.
It's funny, because just a couple days ago I dreamed I was staying in a lodge and a flash flood occurred. I made it inside, but there was a rushing river right next to the windows.
Anybody want to guess what that means?
Last night I dreamed that Charlie was 'fake conducting' outside of a store, using some long straws he took from a discarded drink. He had a tux on like we were going to a wedding. In my dream I thought it was funny, but I wanted to go inside to use the ladies room! Ha!
Have a great Friday and a great weekend! TTFN!
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