Friday, March 27, 2009
Day 1132 - In love with Oysters Rockefeller

It's Friday!
You know what to do - march in a circle chanting 'Fri-day! Fri-day! Fri-day!' That's right!
Buddy Joe - please post a comment today on your 'Cajun Steamer' experience last night.
From MY perspective, it was one of the best meals ever!
The photo today (stolen off the web) is similar to, but not a perfect match for the Oysters Rockefeller at Cajun Steamer - too much bacon in the photo.
However, the Oysters Rockefeller last night at Cajun Steamer were the BEST I have ever had, bar none, better even than ones I've had in Florida.
They cook them on the GRILL, which gives them a charred, smoky flavor that is just unreal. I also ordered an oyster po-boy, so I had all oysters all the time.
Too delicious for words...
They had the $1.99 margaritas again, too, which didn't hurt...
Charlie and Joe both ordered boiled crawfish and Gumbo Ya-Ya on the side - and were also happy with those.
Gotta go! Have a nice weekend!
So Mike is already on his was as of 1am. I'm getting ready to take Jen to school then I have a dr's appt to check out my shoulder, which has been giving me big trouble for a few months now. Had Xrays yesterday...
THEN, I'll bring Jen to her friends house to babysit for the night and I'll be on my own...just baby n' me.
I must have told you about training Will and Charles to sleep though the night: Will was about 18 mos, Charles was 5 mos. They BOTH were still waking in the night, Will for a bottle, Charles for me.
I gave Charles his last feeding at about 11pm, then went to bed. I vowed I would not get up before 5am, that was reasonable.
It was 3 nights of Bedlam. The weeping, the wailing. After that, EVERYBODY slept through the night.
One book said, the baby needs to learn there is nothing to get up for. I had to accoplish this prior to the windows being open, so it was March '85. Poor Christopher had to share the room!
Nancy, I think it must be that book, because I remember the pictures being old fashioned. These types of cautionary tales, as horrific as they are, can teach a kid to be smart! The OLD oyster stayed right where he was. It was the young ones that marched right along.
I was a mean mom (who had to go to work in the morning) who after a few months let the baby cry. After a few nights, they do stop crying. I like that, when they know there is nothing to wake up for! Can't imagine what it is like to have more than one crying!
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