Sunday, March 01, 2009


Day 1106 - SNOW!

Greetings, Blogregation!

My grandmother Lotta was born March 1st, 1908. If she was still living, she'd be 101.

Happy March, but the groundhog was right, it's not spring quite yet.

Look at the snow!

Some places in Tennessee and Alabama actually got 4-8 inches, we 'only' got about 4, but that's huge for here...

It's also windy, so the wind is blowing he snow around, but it sure is pretty!

We're planning to go to the health club a little late this morning, then go (finally) to see 'Taken'.

We've had a big country breakfast of bacon, biscuits with honey and apple butter, and loaded scrambled eggs.

We'd better get to the health club and work that off!

TTFN and have a great Sunday!

wow! lots of snow! We only have a dusting now but expect a ton tonight and tomorrow.
Hope you like the movie! I did!! =)
Love seeing snow in Tennessee! It's pretty when you can just look at it over the fields and houses.

We are having much needed rain.

Marcia, it's pizzazz or pizazz. Can always google words for spelling and meaning.
Misery loves company, so most of the eastern seaboard will share in the fun! Just as long as the traveling is good Thurs for Karen and Fri for Gil and myself. Can't wait to see our little Savi--or did I say that before? (Just a hundred times!)TN does look different in snow--pretty!

Gil is up working on his father's house (actually his house now, but it will probably always be referred to as his father's house--or sometimes he would say "up to the neighbors") and I did my grocery shopping a day early for the Tues. night Beano food counter. Tomorrow does not look like a day to be outside driving around!
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