Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Day 1025 - Midweek and Midlife

Greetings, Bloggy Midweekers!

Here is Miss Savannah, glowing with happiness, as usual.

Me, on the other hand, am glowering vs. glowing.

Not really, but the second alarm went off this morning and...

Charlie said 'That's the second alarm.' He didn't move.

I said 'I'm deaf. I can't hear it.' I didn't move.

Eventually we got up. It feels like today should be Friday, but it's NOT! There are days and days left till the weekend. Sigh.

Okay - so much for my 'gripe and moan' session this morning.

Dr. Bloggy, why am I griping and moaning?

Karen, your feelings are normal. You may experience an increased level of stress from working during the holiday season when you want to be sitting in front of the Christmas tree with a cup of Egg Nog and Nat King Cole singing Christmas Carols in the background. That will be $150, please pay the receptionist on your way out.

TTFN and have a nice Wednesday!

I'm feeling the same way Mamma. Too too tired, wishing it was Saturday so I could attempt to sleep late.

I love that picture!!
Savi took 3 unassisted steps today. Oh boy am I in trouble now!
9 mos. and walking! Wow! Good for little Savannah! I love today's photo but didn't have time yesterday to comment on Savi looking at Cheryl's necklace--amazing concentration and amazing photography! Karen, I read once where Wed is reported to be the day when workers are the most tired. Does that make you feel any better?
HEATHER!!! FANTASTIC!!! Better empty out a room for her to toddle around in, so she can practice! FANTASTIC!!! Go, Savi, Go! Go, Savi Go!!! Call Evan! Alert the media! Savannah took her first steps! WAHOO!!!!
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