Wednesday, November 05, 2008


Day 990 - Midweek and Midlife

Greetings, Bloggy Midweekers!

This picture made me chuckle out loud. Click on the picture to make it bigger. Look at the determination on her little face! She has such attitude for such a little one!

She was probably trying to concentrate on a toy so it would levitate in the air and come over to her using her psychic baby power.

Or - she might have been saying to herself 'Arise and walk, Savannah! You can do it!'

Changing subjects - I had a strange dream night before last that two sections of my bedroom wall had bee hives in them! The plaster on the wall was crumbling, exposing their 'nest' within the wall.

I asked Charlie to confirm they were honeybees, but I was a bit annoyed that there were bees flying in and out of the house!

So - what does that dream mean?

By the way - I have dreams about infestations by various insects, usually ants, periodically. Must mean something!

Gotta go! TTFN!

It's a brand new day for our country. Being from the civil rights battle era, and having witnessed racism in various places I have lived or visited, I could never believe and did not believe an African-American could be elected President - (much less with the middle name Hussein!) I am very happy to be proven wrong.
Good luck and Godspeed to our new President.

Living in SF, my "I voted" sticker is in three languages! I would love to see a photo of Savi with her sticker! Eric voted with me when he was 6 weeks old.
I didnt think about a picture!! I'll take one before it gets any more beaten up. Busy day...Dad's doing great so far! Thank goodness...
Nancy, I lived in Chicago when the hospitals were still segregated, if you can believe that--1955 after King and I were married. I'm extremely happy today and looking forward to the next 4 yrs with President-Elect Barack Obama at the helm. Savi's picture is so amazing with that look of determination on her face. Good for you Heather for capturing that look. I'm glad Steve G. is doing OK so far! Karen, think of how your dream led you to find the bees in the wall so you could do something about it!
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