Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Day 1004 - Midweek and Midlife

Greetings, Bloggy Middlers!

I'm running late this morning, so I'll just do a 'drive by blogging' and tell a short story.

The morning news showed a photo of a middle aged man who was arrested for causing a death from a multi-vehicle accident. He was racing AND driving recklessly.

The police spokesman said he was 'surprised' to see a 48-year old man acting that way, that he should know better.

HELLO - that 48 year old man bought a white Mustang - he knew exactly what he was doing, and it's called a midlife crisis.

Here's the newspaper story if anyone wants to SEE the bad guy...


Must be the Mustang. Dad was stopped for speeding in his Mustang once a couple years back. After the officer looked at Dad's license, he looked at Dad and asked "do you know how OLD you are??"
That guy looks like he was a dweeb in high school too. Heather, that is so funny, I'm sure your dad didn't appreciate the comment.

As you may have noticed I've been missing in action. Cervical spine thing-cervical spondylosis (not a hernitated disk which I feared!) Results from "wear and tear" -- may be occupational hazard of sitting at desk for hours reading and writing which involves bending and straining the neck. Getting oldER doesn't help either. I'm getting all new "ergonomic" stuff to help. One thing is a "slant board" sort of like architect stand for drawings, so I can write on papers on the board (even tho I use computer more) and I guess reading books from the board too.
I never knew Steve G. had a mustang! Funny comment from the police officer! Karen are you going to have a mid-life crisis and trade in your CRV? Good to see Nancy on the blog again. Ergonomics--hope it helps. Send me copies of your exercises when you start physical therapy. See you soon, Karen (Lyn, Steve, Heather and Savannah)!
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