Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Day 1003 - Lets hear it for ab-normal!

Greetings, Bloggy Norms!

Here's a photo of the view from the porch in our cabin.

Nice, eh?

The view would be even nicer without other cabins, but since I was in one, the other neighbors were probably thinking the same thing.

So - on to the topic of the day...

You know what? 'Normal' is overrated.

I saw a window sticker on a minivan yesterday.

The sticker said 'Having Debt is Normal. BE WEIRD'. I agree.

The banks aren't giving US anything for saving money - so why give THEM lots of money in interest? Fight back by paying it off early!

Making payments on THEIR schedule only maximizes the money THEY make, meaning the money you end up paying vs. the original debt.

I wish everyone understood that. It is SUCH a racket! Pay attention to those interest charges, that is money you are 'spending' without even knowing it - and getting nothing for it.

Thud. I just fell off my high horse. Have a nice day!

You look good up there on your high horse! Lots to do today so goodbye--making 3 pies and a dozen sandwiches for tonight's Bingo food counter, then I go there and serve all of this with another person who is cooking also! 12 degrees this morning, but it will warm up probably to 40.
I wanna be ab-normal!!! I don't think I can ever have a credit free life though. I'm so weak. haha! Off to do some food shopping for Dad and bring him his meds, then nap time for the babeeeeee! (and the Mamma too???)
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