Saturday, November 15, 2008

Greetings, Bloggy Dudes and Dudettes!
Happy 1000 day anniversary! Look how happy Savannah and Elmo are!Yay!!
ONE THOUSAND DAYS of blogging, and almost 1000 blog entries.
Actually, I think it is 962 individual blog postings.
One thousand days goes by pretty fast, doesn't it?
What all has happened during that time?
I've only cleaned my oven once or twice. Should I admit that?
I haven't made any homemade wontons lately, but I still love wonton soup.
I've seen lots of movies.
I've done a lot of work.
I've become a grandmother. (of the cutest girl in the world)
I've been on a cruise.
And here I am - writing my blog in advance (I'm in the Smoky Mountains right now) to celebrate my 1000th day of blogging.
TTFN and have a great 1000th day!