Thursday, October 16, 2008


Day 970 - Talk about Pricey...

Greetings, Bloggy Lobster Lovers!

I took a photo of this St. George Bermuda restaurant sign to show you how expensive the food can be in Bermuda!

We went on a 5 hr. 'highlights' bus tour one day, and stopped at St. George, the botanical gardens, a lighthouse, and other scenic spots.

I'll say I'm pretty cheap, so there is NO WAY I would spend almost $80 for a lobster, my wallet would catch on fire and burn my fingers.

While in St. George, we walked around, took pictures, and toured St. Peters church, which dates back to the early 1600's.

I'm running late - so TTFN!

That is INSANE! Do people really pay that kind of money?? I love lobster but there is no way one is worth that much! sheesh!

I'm getting sick again....sorry you're sick too, Grammy!
Thank you Heather, and sorry you are sick, too--get better soon! Not writing much as I'm still in my pajamas--I went from bed to the couch, but am feeling better than this morning!
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