Saturday, October 11, 2008
Day 965 - My last full day on the cruise

Today's photo is of a cruise ship buffet - spectacular, no?
Lighted ice sculptures, gorgeously arranged and decorative food, and delicious to boot.
I think they have a chocolate buffet one day, by the way.
By this time, I imagine I am packing 'more bounce to the ounce' after unlimited food for an entire week.
I certainly HOPE I have forced myself to get more exercise than just walking to the restaurants and back! I have a very hard time passing up free food.
Lets see - up early in the morning, walk to the coffee shop. Walk back to the room.
Take a shower, choose 'morning attire'.
Walk to the main restaurant for breakfast. Walk back to the room.
Change clothes for poolside. Walk to the pool.
Walk back to the room, change clothes again. Walk to lunch.
Some days eat lunch poolside - they have a huge cookout each day at the pool - ribs, chicken, burgers, hot dogs. Mmmmm!
Walk somewhere, do something - (I don't know yet, I'll tell you when I get back)
Walk back to the room, change clothes again.
Happy Hour somewhere.
Dinner somewhere.
After dinner show somewhere.
Dancing and nightlife somewhere.
Walk back to the room, collapse, take a pepcid AC. Sleep until it's coffee time again.
I could get used to this...