Monday, September 15, 2008
Day 939 - Don't hate me because I'm full of LOBSTER

Instead of talking about (ahem), Monday, I haven't gotten around yet to telling you about our LOBSTER FEST at Buddy Joe's on Saturday!
After hearing all our stories about Lobster during vacation, Buddy Joe decided he wanted some lobsters and proposed a lobster bake at his house.
I agreed, at lightning speed.
I shopped for them. Walmart had the best price, ($12.67/lb vs. $18.99 at the seafood shop). They ranged in size from a pound to just under 2 lbs. The smaller ones are the most tender, by the way!
I picked them out myself, and the 'seafood guy' at Walmart (who happens to be from Florida) was EXTREMELY nice and kind. He packed them in a styrofoam cooler, put cold packs in the bottom, and didn't charge me extra for that.
$192 later (which Joe indicates came from his economic stimulus tax rebate check), we had us a lobster boil. We cooked them in Joe's outdoor turkey fryer - see photos.
We had homemade salsa and tortilla chips while they cooked. We had sausage, red potatoes, and cole slaw with the lobsters (2 each). We also had peanut butter, oatmeal, chocolate chip cookies for dessert! They were outstanding, and we had a wonderful time.
A lobster fest in Tennessee - who would have thunk it? THANK YOU, JOE!

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Where did the lobsters come from? Not a bad price for a land-locked area! Buddy Joe is full of surprises! A quiet Monday after the Oxford County Fair last week--I attended part of 4 days, and Gil and I went together for part of 2 days. I so much enjoy the fair, even the pig scamble (poor little things squeeling their heads off!), the draft horses pulling those cement blocks, the music performers, the exposition halls with beautiful home-made doilies, sweaters, quilts,etc, and the Grange exhibits, also the harness racing, and this year we went to the demolition derby too--I don't see why those men and women don't get whip lash injuries! Gil took part in a 9/11 service with other Legion, AFW, and Nat'l Guard members. Next will be the Fryeburg Fair which starts at the end of Sept!
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