Sunday, June 15, 2008


Day 847 - Happy Fathers Day!

Greetings, Blogregation!

Just a quick note to say 'Happy Fathers Day' to all the Daddy-o's out there.

We appreciate all you do!

TTFN - gotta go swim, and Charlie and I will hit a movie later today for Fathers Day.

Happy fathers day!!
Happy Father's Day to all you blogger Dad's! We're going from church to the WP Old Home Days chicken barbeque, then to a book signing by an author who has written a new book about the loss of the nuclear submarine, Scorpion, back in 1968, of which my cousin was the Commander (Slattery); then tonight pizza at Ray and Mary Ann's. A big food day!
Yeah, I heard about that book, Mom, on the radio and thought you would like to read it, Glad you are there.
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